Flower Cyber hugs might not be like real but the sentiment behind them is as real as anything.
Believe me you are not alone. When I left my family did desert me. My mother still does not talk to me and it has been 16 years now. At first I missed her but then I found other "mothers" - both on the net and in real.
When I left there was no internet and was truly alone. The pain of losing everything - my family, my friends, my community, my work and even my home (got divorced) was unbelievable. TI too thought I could not do this. I had one person in the world - not a JW ever - and he was supportive but had not been there so could not truly understand. Believe me I felt alone.
I sat back and watched while my mother and aunts and uncles shunned me and then went to my ex-s wedding. No one wanted to know what happened. No one cared.
But you know what - I recovered from that immense sense of being alone. I found other things to do - weird at first not going to meetings but eventually very free-ing. I found hobbies and interests I never had time for before. I made new friends - wonderful friends.
It took time. After 10 years of being out I started learning the real truth about the org. It sort of took me those 10 years to get where you are now - at the realization of being lied to. Take heart and hang on. It really does get better. There are stages to this kind of recovery. And don't be surprised if you want to "rescue" some of your family. Don't do it yet. First be strong yourself. Deal with the depression (something I too suffered for many years with while a JW). (BTW - my depression is finally gone after being freed from the Borg.)
Life will get better. Give yourself time. If you are afraid of hurting yourself - open your telephone book to the front page. Most books have a list for emergency telephone numbers. Most crisis centers can help you a bit. Find out if there is an ex-JW group in your area. And keep talking to people you trust in here.
Hang on and (((HUGS))) - it does get better
Rejoice in the healing and not in the pain.
Rejoice in the challenge overcome and not in the past hurts.
Rejoice in the present - full of love and joy.
Rejoice in the future for it is filled with new horizons yet to be explored. - Lee Marsh 2002